The Science of Childhood: Session 1

The Science of Childhood

Session 1: Getting to Know our Colleagues.

Dear Life Long Learners,

I am enthusiastically awaiting our first session. We have a rare opportunity here in Chicago to discuss and research early childhood development, theorists, and pedagogy together. It is my hopes to provide the majority of our research material in the form of audio, video, and print while facilitating our discussions. We begin this study group with the published work of pediatrician and researcher, Dr. Emmi Pikler, and infant/toddler development and care specialist, Magda Gerber. Come Saturday afternoon you will have an introductory understanding of the Pikler® Approach and Educaring® Approach of infant toddler development and care along with a basic overview of the history behind these two approaches and their founders. As the study group continues through Winter into Summer, you will be given the opportunity to hone your observation skills, advance your knowledge of child development, refine your care and teaching methodology, come to understand the child’s point of view as well as the parenting journey, and learn from other experts in the field of early childhood education.

– Ms Bernstein, Facilitator

Join us this Saturday, February 27 from 11am-1pm at Maplewood Child Development Center – 2843 N. Maplewood, Chicago IL 60618.

See The Science Of Childhood Study Group Intensive’s overview.